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.KG is a ccTLD for Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia. It shares borders with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. Kyrgyzstan is mostly known for having the world's second largest alpine lake also known as “The Pearl of Central Asia”.
These domains with .kg extension are very popular in Kyrgyzstan and around its geographical area. The .kg ccTLD registration started in 1995. The .kg extension is a good way to represent a business in Kyrgyzstan.
.kg can stand for Kilogram as well...
The domain name can be activated when the payment is complete and we have all the requested documents (including the payment confirmation). .kg domain names are available for 1 year(s). The domain registration time frame for .kg during general availability is 3 business days. Any individual or legal entity are allowed to register a .kg domain.
Notice: If the Registrar or Registrant submits incomplete information, Registry reserves its right to request from the Registrar to submit respective data. If the requested data is not provided the Registry is authorized to suspend functioning of the Domain Name.
At present, the .kg domain zone does not provide means to hide the information of the domain owner. All information (name, address, email, etc.) will be displayed in WHOIS.
The transfer process performs based on EPP code. The registrant should request the code from the losing registrar and provide the gaining one.
The transfer code is valid for 7 days only. So, if it expires it needs to be generated again. The transfer process completed in 7 working days. Only after that, the domain can be managed by the owner.
If the Registrant via the intermediation does not renew the domain name, it will be Suspended during the 30 (thirty) days period from the expiry date of the domain name registration. After the lapse of the 30 (thirty) days period, the Registry is obliged to cancel domain name registration and delete data related to the domain name from the Domain Name Register. The domain will become available for everyone.
The main purpose of domain name Registries, including .kg domain registry, is to keep all information about registered domains together with the registrant names and other data. AsiaInfo Telecommunication Enterprise manages .kg ccTLD.
Using's .kg domain registry service will give your company a competitive advantage straight away.
Our team is always here to guide you through .kg domain registration and provide you with the top level service and support.