================== Transfer Domain ================== Transfer procedure devorced to two type. + transfer must be done in GlobalR system + transfer from other registrar In any case more preferable make two request first chack domain can be transfered or not (and which way it can be transferd), second send transfer code. If domain that must be transferd registered thru globalr.com, in checking part our system will generate inner transfer code and will send to admin email. Otherways you must send transfer code, that you get from losing registrar or registry. To check transfer type and transfer availability send ``GET`` request to https://globalr.com/api/domain/transfer/{domainName} Response Example is .. code-block:: json { "status": 200, "locStatus": false, "selfSignCode": true, "textStatus": "success", "domain": "example.am", "textMassage": "Transfer Code for this domain sent to domain admin contact" } if ``"selfSignCode": true,`` it is mean that domain is registered thru globalr.com and must transferd via inner code. If domain registred from other registrar you can see something like this: .. code-block:: json { "status": 201, "locStatus": false, "selfSignCode": false, "docTransfer": true, "codeTransfer": true, "textStatus": "success", "domain": "example.am", "textMassage": "Transfer from other registrar initialized" } If domain registrar was locked(``"locStatus": false,``) you can't transfer domain you need first unlock the domain. And finaly you must check ``"codeTransfer": true,`` beckause if this parameter was false, transfer can't be maked via transfer code. To transfer domain you must send request to https://globalr.com/api/transfer following model .. code-block:: json { "string{domainName}" : "string(TransferCode)" } Examlple request in php .. code-block:: php 'ExampleTransferCode'] $resault = sendToGlobalR($transfer, 'POST', '/transfer', 'xXGsvO26ntTHTESTKEYSOICKu8nOvMzKKiwg'); $domain = json_decode($resault);