========================= Modify Domain records ========================= If you want modify contacts or NS records you must send ``PUT`` request to https://globalr.com/api/domain. There are four block of contact information - Owner, Administrative, Technical and Billing. Each block could be updated seperately. While update of any information in some block, whole information of the block must be sent. .. Hint:: For .AM domain in the block of owner you can't change Name and Last Name or Company Name (in case of organization) information. This part requires printed documents. Lets try to change admin email and nameservers. For that reason we must send following model of request. .. code-block:: json { "name": "string", "contacts": { "admin": { "name": "string", "surname": "string", "organisation": "string (Optional)", "email": "string", "phone": "string (/^\+?[^a-zA-Z]{5,}$/)", "mobile_phone": "string (/^\+?[^a-zA-Z]{5,}$/) (Optional)", "fax": "string (Optional)", "country": "string (Country code or Name)", "city": "string", "state": "string", "address": "string", "address2": "string (Optional)", "zip": "number", } }"ns": [ { "ns1name": "string", "ns1ip": "string (Optional)", }, { "name": "string", "ip": "string (Optional)", }, { "name": "string (Optional)", "ip": "string (Optional)", }, { "name": "string (Optional)", "ip": "string (Optional)", } ], "_am-private":"boolean(optional, only for am)", } Lets implement this in PHP .. code-block:: php "Jhone", 'surname' => "Smith", 'email' => "new-email@gmail.com", 'phone' => "+37455555555", 'country' => "US", 'city' => "New York", 'address' => "Example Street", 'zip' => "001110" ); $domainModel = [ 'name' => 'test-for-globalr.am', 'contacts' => [ 'admin' => $contact, ], 'ns' => [ ['name'=>'ns3.globalr.com'], ['name'=>'ns4.globalr.com'], ], "_am-private"=>1 ]; $resault = sendToGlobalR($domainModel, 'PUT', '/domain', 'xXGsvO26ntTHTESTKEYSOICKu8nOvMzKKiwg'); $domain = json_decode($resault); Response codes are the same which are in domain registration process.